Cycnos | Volume 34.2 - " The wagon moves" : new essays on William Faulkner's As I lay dying
Volume 34.2 - " The wagon moves" : new essays on William Faulkner's As I lay dying
Sous la direction de Frédérique Spill, Gérald Préher et Marie Liénard-Yeterian
Frédérique Spill, Gerald Préher : Introduction Journal articles
I. Context
Taylor Hagood : Reading the Rural in As I Lay Dying Journal articles
Aurélie Guillain : Economy in Faulkner's As I Lay Dying Journal articles
Claude Romano : Le kaléidoscope de Faulkner Journal articles
II. Forms and Figures
Ineke Bockting : When a Mother Lays Dying or The Creative Power of Words: A Pragmatic Analysis of Addie's Section in William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying Journal articles
Marie Liénard-Yeterian : William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying: What the Grotesque is Trying to Say At Journal articles
Françoise Clary : Social Facts in As I Lay Dying: A Novel of Violence Journal articles
Francoise Buisson : 'It Wasn't on a Balance': Slippage in <i>As I Lay Dying</i> Journal articles
Frédérique Spill : The Poetics of Elements in Faulkner's As I lay Dying Journal articles
III. Time and Space
Stéphanie Suchet : Narration et temporalité dans As I Lay Dying Journal articles
Jacques Pothier : Raveling / Unraveling the Fading World of As I Lay Dying Journal articles
Gerald Préher : Dérives religieuses et hypocrites prêcheurs : performances et contre-performances dans la Lettre écarlate de Nathaniel Hawthorne, Tandis que j'agonise de William Faulkner et La Sagesse dans le sang de Flannery O'Connor Journal articles
IV. Bibliography
Jacques Pothier : As I Lay Dying : A Bibliography Journal articles
V. Postface
Ron Rash : Postface Faulkner Journal articles