Recherche (46 total)

  • Requête : excellence
Semiconductor lasers: coherence and localized states - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Enhancing magnetic separation of nanoparticles - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Modelling complex systems in Archaeology: general issues and first insights from the ModelAnSet project - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in complex ecological communities - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Light-induced self-organization in cold atomic clouds - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Chaotic reverberation chambers for electromagnetic compatibility - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Complex molecule synthesis made easy - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Extreme and rare events in hydrodynamical and optical systems - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Collective behaviours of light and matter - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
New paradigms in nuclear human decorporation using macromolecular systems - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
The retina: a fascinating object of study for a physicist - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Nudging-based observers for geophysical data assimilation and joint state-parameters estimation - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Measurement of temperature and thermal gradients using fibre optic long period gratings - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Polynomial interpolation in higher dimensions - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Compressions of a polycarbonate honeycomb - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Modeling and Computation of a liquid-vapor bubble formation - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Optimal control of slow-fast mechanical systems - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Crédits et contacts - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
L’Institut Robert Hooke de culture scientifique - Sciences & fictions
Are Technoparks High Tech Fantasies? Lessons from the Tunisian Experience - ERIEP
Introduction - ERIEP
Proceedings of the Complex Systems: Academy of Excellence - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
The Nice Cube (Nice) nanosatellite project - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
L’expérience touristique extraordinaire : un outil de l’agilité marketing. - Colloque pluridisciplinaire AsTRES
Présentation de l'Académie 3 : Espace, Environnement, Risques et Résilience - Journées thématiques de l'Académie 3
Catastrophe naturelle et santé mentale: Reconstruire les territoires et réparer les vivants - Journées thématiques de l'Académie 3
Quand les volcans sous-marins créent des oasis de vie dans les déserts océaniques, et séquestrent du CO2 - Les Séminaires Inauguraux de l'Académie 3
"Revenons à nos moutonsˮ : les ovins dans la littérature française médiévale, des Fables de Marie de France au Boucher d'Abbeville - Loxias
Académie 5 Homme, Idées et Milieux • Bilan 2020-2023 - Bilan de l'académie 5