Extreme and rare events in hydrodynamical and optical systems

Giovanna Tissoni, Eric Simonnet

Abstract :
International audience
Rare and extreme events are ubiquitous in nature and society, spanning from magnetic storms or particularly violent earthquakes, to market crashes or oceanic rogue waves. Different viewpoints are therefore possible: coming from two different communities, we will try here to bring together our ways to look at these events. After a very brief review of some recent results in our respective scientific domains, that is, non-equilibrium/ statistical physics and nonlinear/dissipative optical systems, we draw some perspectives to develop a new approach using genetic algorithms to calculate extreme events in nonlinear dissipative optical systems.
Published : 2018-01-11
Document Type : Conference papers
Affiliation : COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)
Source : hal-02014173


Giovanna Tissoni, Eric Simonnet, « Extreme and rare events in hydrodynamical and optical systems », Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy, 2018-01-11. URL : https://hal.science/hal-02014173