Essai sur la problématique de la représentation dans 4’33’’ de John Cage

Michel Remy

Résumé :
With John Cage’s silent piece 4’ 33’’, the limits of the process of representation are exceeded, if not liquidated. Liberated from their inhibiting conventions by being precipitated into a blank space, reintegrated into their creative powers after centuries of dogmatic aesthetics, men need to listen to the “magic”; forces which inhabit them and are made to listen to silence, the perfect place where to escape the repetition which founds mimetic representation. John Cage, as an artist and an explorer, des-alienates the public by giving them an unfinished, unfinishable work and by plunging them into a presentless temporality. This confronts the “listener”; to his own split self, to what is deeply lacking in him and to his own non-knowledge.
Date de publication : 2005-06-25

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Michel Remy, « Essai sur la problématique de la représentation dans 4’33’’ de John Cage », Cycnos, 2005-06-25. URL :