L’univers tranquille de Lewis Miller : esquisses de Virginie, 1853–1872

Yvette Salviati

Abstract :
Through the unpublished drawings of Lewis Miller, a Pennsylvania-German folk artist, we get a rather conservative view of mid-19th century Virginia life (1853–1872). Omitting any mention of the Civil War, the main themes in his sketch book are a harmonious family life, a benevolent nature and an agrarian form of society which in spite of the existence of slavery seems a promise of happiness in the Jeffersonian tradition.
Published : 2008-07-11


Yvette Salviati, « L’univers tranquille de Lewis Miller : esquisses de Virginie, 1853–1872 », Cycnos, 2008-07-11. URL : http://epi-revel.univ-cotedazur.fr/publication/item/362