La trêve, ou le temps du poème dans Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War

Sandra Maletic

Abstract :
Battle-Pieces, and Aspects of the War, published one year after the end of the Civil War, expresses the author’s belief that the conflict, though it allowed for the victory of “Right”; over “Wrong”;, also debased the democratic dream of the Founders. Battle-Pieces answers the tougher stance taken by the state in the war's aftermath with a moderate and kaleidoscopic comprehension of the war phases, presented through the diverse eyes of its participants. This article analyzes the individual’s quest for identity in the middle of a historical upheaval, one which is compared to a natural catastrophe. The ideals of war glory, the fascination exercised by an enlightening death, the belief in a “continuous”; time ruled by necessity are opposed in Battle-Pieces to the construction of identity through face-to-face with the Other. The temporary truce after the battle provides a privileged time-frame for the poem that weaves a “discontinuous”; time described as a succession of deaths and resurrections.
Published : 2008-07-15


Sandra Maletic, « La trêve, ou le temps du poème dans Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War », Cycnos, 2008-07-15. URL :