L'homme sans nom et Dirty Harry : de la mythification/démythification chez Clint Eastwood

Mathieu Lacoue-Labarthe

Résumé :
Clint Eastwood, under Sergio Leone and Don Siegel, has created two of the most famous American movie characters of the last fifty years : The Man with No Name and Dirty Harry. They have both a lot in common : their physical appearance, their clothes, their (heavy) use of tobacco and alcohol, the way they speak, their being more or less talkative, their physical strength, their playing tricks, their use of violence and fire arms, their relationship with their major opponent, with women and also their psychological problems make them seem quite different from the classical Hollywood hero. In some ways, their capacities are larger than those of the classical hero but in other ways, they seem to take the opposite position. It obviously depends on the Eastwood movie you’re interested in, or more often on which part of the movie you’re studying. The success of Clint Eastwood’s heroes and films is mainly due to their amazing malleability.
Date de publication : 2015-05-27

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Mathieu Lacoue-Labarthe, « L'homme sans nom et Dirty Harry : de la mythification/démythification chez Clint Eastwood », Cycnos, 2015-05-27. URL : http://epi-revel.univ-cotedazur.fr/publication/item/205