Cycnos | Volume 28.2 - Le cinéma américain face à ses mythes : une foi incrédule | De quelques figures exemplaires
BLEU de Chanel, le Mythe Improbable
Abstract :
The commercial, « Bleu de Chanel » is the essential element of the marketing campaign of the new fragrance for men by Chanel. Martin Scorsese is chosen to direct the filming that takes place in New York. The analysis of the commercial and its making-of reveals the mechanisms of the creation of a modern myth around the perfume and the sensation of liberty recovered. Simple premises for a complex story told with the esthetics and flare of the mythic director. Precisely crafted scenes and montage, exceptional effects and lighting, build up the myth to its climax with the revelation of its object, a dark blue square shaped bottle with a name in white letters: “Bleu de Chanel”. What is its deeper meaning? How are we seduced? Is there a myth inside the myth? Can Bleu de Chanel’s myth be our myth too?
Keywords :
myth, Bleu Chanel, commercial making-of, fragrance, liberty, New York, Scorsese, unexpected
Published : 2015-06-09
Olivier Théveneau, « BLEU de Chanel, le Mythe Improbable », Cycnos, 2015-06-09. URL :