ERIEP | European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy
The European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy publishes theoretical and empirical contributions on industrial policy and economics. It also hosts multidisciplinary or open discussions focused on changes at the level of firms, institutions, industries... Its founders, Economia e politica industriale and l’Industria (Italy) and the Revue d’Economie industrielle (France), stress the necessity of new reflections on industrial policy in a changing and global world.
ISSN : 2109-9480
Dernier numéro en ligne
Number 7
December 2013
Marco Bellandi : Territorial policies for industrial renaissance and innovationArticle dans une revue
Yangmi Koo : Evolution of Industrial Policies and Economic Growth in Korea: Challenges, Crises and ResponsesArticle dans une revue
Patrizio Bianchi : Bain and the origins of industrial economicsArticle dans une revue
Eugenio Leanza, Gianni Carbonaro : Making European Cities more Affordable, Productive and SustainableArticle dans une revue
Lamia Ben Hamida, Lucia Piscitello : The impact of foreign R&D activities on the MNC’s performance at home: evidence from the case of Swiss manufacturing firmsArticle dans une revue
Cédric Durand, Marc Lautier : Too big, too quick? An institutional and systemic overview of the rise of Russian metallurgical transnationalsArticle dans une revue