Le droit portuaire, instrument de régulation de la compétitivité et de la protection de l’ordre public - Perspectives internationales & européennes
Are Technoparks High Tech Fantasies? Lessons from the Tunisian Experience - ERIEP
The new complexity of local production and the enlightened role of industrial policy: The Basque Country Case - ERIEP
Cluster policy for innovation and competitiveness. Lessons from the French experience - ERIEP
Introduction - ERIEP
Le droit portuaire, instrument de régulation de la compétitivité et de la protection de l’ordre public - Perspectives internationales & européennes
Globalisation and International Business Localisation - ERIEP
Country strategic management of the medical tourism in emerging markets/countries, with the case study : Metropolitan Lima, Peru - Colloque pluridisciplinaire AsTRES
Redefining Luxury in Tourism - [Untitled]