Le génitif et la référence

Pierre Busuttil, Mireille Quivy

Abstract :
This article aims at showing that N2’s N1 genitive constructions in English are not simply either specific or generic. There exist a plurality of cases that invite us to consider the structures as part of a continuum along which they can be organized according to the degree of referentiality of N2.Two new forms of genitive are highlighted: absolute comparison and analogy between N2 and N1, which occur in the presence of have. The presence of a determiner in front of N2’s N1 is also studied along the same lines when the question arises.
Published : 2006-05-31


Pierre Busuttil, Mireille Quivy, « Le génitif et la référence », Cycnos, 2006-05-31. URL : http://epi-revel.univ-cotedazur.fr/publication/item/679