Still, even so, all the same et « l’effet trampoline »
Abstract :
Adverbial discourse markers still, even so and all the same seem to constitute a mini-system which can be analyzed in terms of enunciative operations involving the notional domain and the various treatments of ‘otherness’. And this, whether they are argumentative markers or markers involved in the cohesion of the discourse. What is here called ‘trampoline effect’ belongs to the second category, when the three markers appear in initial position in a paragraph. The choice between these adverbials may mark a change in enunciative plane or in enunciative source, or a modal evaluation in terms of what the ‘énonciateur’ considers to be the appropriate value in the situation.
Published : 2006-05-31
Claude Charreyre, « Still, even so, all the same et « l’effet trampoline » », Cycnos, 2006-05-31. URL :