La manière en questions : qualification différentielle et types de prédicats

Régis Mauroy

Abstract :
To question “manner”; isn’t a univocal operation. How marks a differential qualitative component, but its range does not only depend on syntax. The basic features of aspect in the predicates or the use of a modal auxiliary (can) may lead to different types of interpretation: either as on the modes of accomplishment of the predicate, or as bearing an external reference to the predication itself. The collocation How to… highlights the importance of telicity if inherent in the process. An interrogative cleft structure (How is it that…?) marks the pre-construction of the predicative relation in Qnt (it/that (located relative to T in S0), and thereby another type of external qualitative referenciation. Finally, questions in How come…? mark a subjective value by locating the external qualitative and quantitative components Qlt/Qnt relative to S in S0)”;
Published : 2006-05-31


Régis Mauroy, « La manière en questions : qualification différentielle et types de prédicats », Cycnos, 2006-05-31. URL :