James Magner Jr., William Meredith & Reg Saner: Reluctant Poets of the Korean War

William D. Ehrhart

Résumé :
William D. Ehrhart. James Magner Jr., William Meredith & Reg Saner: Reluctant Poets of the Korean War.William D. Ehrhart devotes his paper to James Magner Jr., William Meredith, and Reg Saner, poets who went through the experience of war in Korea and yet didn’t necessarily use such experience as a source of inspiration, writing only “reluctantly”; about it. Ehrhart traces out some possible allusions, images, echoes, running through their poems. But there is clearly no such phenomenon as the relationship (not to speak of complicity), that certain poets and writers have entertained (and in many cases still entertain) with their Vietnam War experience. No such analysis of those “reluctant poets of the Korean War”; had previously been made.
Date de publication : 2006-10-12

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William D. Ehrhart, « James Magner Jr., William Meredith & Reg Saner: Reluctant Poets of the Korean War », Cycnos, 2006-10-12. URL : http://epi-revel.univ-cotedazur.fr/publication/item/660