Auteur et littérarité
Abstract :
Reception theories have recently brought back to the fore both the issue of the author and that of literacy value. Considering reading to be a form of intersubjective communication, this study intends to show how reference to the author makes it possible to rethink the age-old question of literary value. After considering the respective pertinence of the competing concepts of “real author”;, “extradiegetic narrator”;, “implied author”; and “representation of the author”;, the article attempts to identify the role of the author’s image in the different phases of the reading process. The resulting conclusion is that the perception of the author depends less on the subject reading than on the text read. A new definition of literary value might therefore be proposed : works are literary if they can only be interpreted in accordance with the author’s intention.
Published : 2008-06-18
Vincent Jouve, « Auteur et littérarité », Cycnos, 2008-06-18. URL :