Variations sur le thème de l’émigration : l’exemple de Friel et de Murphy
Abstract :
Important changes took place in Ireland in the sixties, both in society and drama, all reflected in the way dramatists such as Friel and Murphy dealt with the theme of emigration during the decade. Following the social changes that affected the patterns of emigration, after stressing the inevitability of exile, they went on to underlining its futility before ending up envisaging new possibilities for the Irish of staying at home or of coming back from exile. Simultaneously they abandoned the socio-realistic approach of the theme that prevailed among earlier dramatists to use emigration as a means of exploring the very nature of man. Thus, probing his situation, the returned emigrant, often becoming an exile among his own people, is led to a journey within himself far more pregnant dramatically than the geographical journey which in the first place had taken him to another country.
Published : 2008-07-09
Godeleine Logez-Carpentier, « Variations sur le thème de l’émigration : l’exemple de Friel et de Murphy », Cycnos, 2008-07-09. URL :