Sur le papier : “The Paradise of Bachelors and The Tartarus of Maids

Michel Imbert

Abstract :
The two-stranded story unfolds the manifold implications of producing sheets of paper. Even as the bodies of working women at the paper-mill are erased in the process, they seem to be raised to the stature of a Christ-like icon. Though the gullible narrator who has embarked on a latter-day errand into the wilderness is only too willing to subscribe to the shimmering apparition that looms up “on paper”;, his twice-told tale undercuts correspondences between filth and faith underwritten by Puritan typology and foregrounds the blankness of bible-leaves at cross-purposes with Scriptures.
Published : 2008-07-15


Michel Imbert, « Sur le papier : “The Paradise of Bachelors and The Tartarus of Maids” », Cycnos, 2008-07-15. URL :