From Lorca to Bollywood: cultural adaptation in the plays of the British Asian Tamasha Theatre Company

Anne Fuchs

Résumé :
Starting with a brief comparison between the Irish and Indian Diasporas, the paper goes on to mention three distinct approaches by British Asians to theatre today. What is meant by “creative dialogue”; with reference to the Tamasha Theatre Company? The corpus of their work is mainly concerned with a form of realism and cultural adaptation. There follows a discussion of the different forms this cultural adaptation has taken, whether an adaptation to Western performance modes or an adaptation of subject-matter originating in Asian or Western literature for the purpose of writing or devising an intra-cultural spectacle or “tamasha”;.
Date de publication : 2008-09-19

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Anne Fuchs, « From Lorca to Bollywood: cultural adaptation in the plays of the British Asian Tamasha Theatre Company », Cycnos, 2008-09-19. URL :