Far from the Madding Crowd: the Pathetic Tragedy of the Sexes
Résumé :
The appearance of normality at the end of Far From the Madding Crowd is not satisfactory. The reward Gabriel receives for his patience and loyalty seems a high price to pay for Bathsheba. Deprived of her feminine and independent voice, she is now a silent object in the collection of her husband’s possessions. Bathsheba stands for the woman subjected to the univocal voice of her master and of patriarchal law, by the way announcing Hardy’s later and darker works.
Date de publication : 2012-01-16
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Stéphanie Bernard, « Far from the Madding Crowd: the Pathetic Tragedy of the Sexes », Cycnos, 2012-01-16. URL : http://epi-revel.univ-cotedazur.fr/publication/item/269