L’œuvre du Congrès dans la politique des États-Unis en matière d’immigration et de progrès socio-économique des immigrants en situation irrégulière

Raphaël Eppreh-Butet

Abstract :
Immigration is an integral part of the United States’ DNA. Migration is generated by a series of pull and push factors (economic disparities between industrialized and developing nations, wars, migratory networks). There is a strong link between orderly migration and irregular migration. Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) in 1986. The purpose of IRCA was to control illegal immigration to the United States. IRCA also granted amnesty to certain undocumented immigrants. Amnesty has the distinctive feature of guaranteeing a leap in socioeconomic integration of immigrants into American society.
Published : 2016-04-20


Raphaël Eppreh-Butet, « L’œuvre du Congrès dans la politique des États-Unis en matière d’immigration et de progrès socio-économique des immigrants en situation irrégulière », Cycnos, 2016-04-20. URL : http://epi-revel.univ-cotedazur.fr/publication/item/190