- A Bright Shining Lie
- Ace in the Hole
- Achievement
- Addie Bundren
- Adieu Rita
- Adrian Pasdar
- African American cinema
- African American ghetto
- African Americans
- Afro-américains
- Agamben
- Aileen Wuronos
- Altérité
- Ambiguïté
- American Indian Defense Association
- American cinema
- American law
- American politics
- Andrea Levy - comédie - grotesque - Jeanette Winterson - postrnodemisme - révisionnisme - satire - Sexing the Cherry- The Long Song
- Andrew Dominik
- Androgyne
- André S. Labarthe
- Anglo-Scottish relations
- Années 30
- Anse Bundren
- Antony and Cleopatra
- Apartheid -disenchantrnent -fragmentation -Nadine Gordimer -metatextuality -metonymic unity -metonymy -teleology.
- Aphasie
- Arthur Miller
- As I Lay Dying
- Atkinson (William)
- Australie -escroquerie - exotisme - exploration - francmaçonnerie - Londres - long dix-huitième siècle - occultisme - siècle des Lumières - traite négrière - voyage
- Autobiographie
- Avatar
- abjection
- accident
- achronie
- action movie
- adaptations cinématographiques
- adolescence
- adresse
- aesthetic
- aesthetics of fragmentation
- affiliation
- afrotrope
- aging
- alcohol
- allegory
- allégorie
- alphabet
- altérité
- altérité - cauchemar - confrontation - création - culpabilité - expérience scientifique - gothique - hubris - métamorphose - narrateur - obscurité - sublime
- amazones
- ambiguity - drama - colloquy - dialogue - Experimental Period - language - Major Phase
- american Exceptionalism
- american frontier
- amnesty
- amnésie
- amour - cour suprême - discrimination - droit - égalité - États-Unis - famille - homosexualité - mariage - politique - sociologie
- amour -chute -conte de fées -Hollywood -perte -pouvoir -réécriture -romance
- analepsis
- anaphore
- androïde
- animal
- années trente
- anonymity
- anthologie bilingue
- anthropocentric philosophy
- anthropocentrism
- anticipation
- antimetabole
- apocalypse
- apocapypse
- arch-villain
- archétype
- arms
- armée américaine
- art
- art de la guerre
- as
- ascétisme
- aspect
- assassine
- assurance
- at
- audience identification
- auteure
- authority
- autobiographie fictionnelle
- aviation
- Bachelard
- Barack Obama
- Baudelaire
- Bawdy court
- Beethoven
- Bible
- Bildungsroman
- Billy Wilder
- Black Atlantic
- Black Cabinet
- Black Hawk Down
- Bleu Chanel
- Body
- Boundary
- Bovary
- Braceros
- Breaking Bad
- British history
- British state
- Britishness
- Britishness relations
- Broken Flowers
- Brooklyn
- baby farmer
- baby farming
- bad characters
- bad guy
- bad guys
- balance
- balance/imbalance
- ballet
- ballet romantique
- bande dessinée anglo-saxonne
- barbarie
- be
- be-ing
- beauté
- bestiaire
- bigamy
- bills
- black diaspora
- black writing
- blitz
- blood
- body
- britannicité
- CAPES - Rencontre amoureuse - Commentaire de texte - J. Austen - E. M. Forster - Ian McEwan - comédie de mœurs - normes - genres
- Caedmon Records
- Cahiers du cinéma
- California
- Calvert Vaux
- Cameron
- Capes d'anglais- capitalisme - Donald Trump - Etats-Unis - Francis Fukuyama -géopolitique - Henry Luce - histoire - internationalisme - mondialisation
- Captain America
- Caribbean literature
- Caryl Phillips
- Cat Ballou
- Catholicism
- Cavell
- Center vs. Margin
- Center vs. Periphery
- Central Park
- Ceres
- Ceri Richards
- Christian Right
- Cinephilia
- Cinéastes de notre temps
- Cinéma
- Cinéma américain
- Cinéma en éducation
- Cinéma − Etude et enseignement
- Cinémas
- City of London
- Civil rights movement
- Clint Eastwood
- Clockers
- Commercial TV
- Commissioner of Indian Affairs
- Common Law
- Communitas vs. Societas
- Comédie cinéma
- Conceit
- Conception
- Congress
- Conservatisme One Nation
- Constitutional law
- Contestation
- Copia
- Courage Under Fire
- Crimson Petal and the White
- Critic
- Crossing the River
- Crossing the River: neo-slave narratives
- Cruelty
- Culioli
- Culture Wars
- Culture wars
- Custer
- Cwmdonkin Park
- calculation
- canon
- capitalism
- capitalism - chiasmus - discoloration - ethics - the international theme - materialism - nautical metaphors - phallic symbols - pathology - shipwreck - Georg Simmel - syllepsis
- carpentry
- catharsis
- causalité
- causation
- cause
- character (fictive)
- children
- choreography
- christianisme
- cine-clubs
- cinema
- cinematographic workshops
- cinephilia
- cinephilia of the 60's and 80's
- cinéma
- cinéma réflexif
- circonstants
- citizenship
- citoyenneté
- classe ouvrière
- classes sociales - histoire - humour - New Labour - Royaume-Uni
- classical Hollywood comedy
- climate change
- climate change denier
- climate skepticism
- close reading
- closure
- code-switching
- coercion
- colonialism
- colorblindness
- comedy
- comedy and terror
- commercial making-of
- comparaison
- compelling
- complicité
- comsumation
- concaténation
- concealment
- congruence
- congrès américain
- connecteur
- conservation policy
- conservatism
- conservative
- conservative talk radio
- constitution
- construction du sens
- conte de fées
- contemporary poetry and prose
- contexte historique
- continuity/discontinuity
- contrat de lecture
- convention
- copule
- corporate world
- corporation
- corps
- correspondance
- correspondence
- cost control
- costard
- costume drama
- counterrnodernity
- country vs. cities
- couple
- covert plots
- credits analysis
- crime
- crime passionnel
- crossing
- création
- culture
- culture in war
- culture wars
- curriculum
- cyber » révolution - distribution des richesses - justice sociale - laissez-faire - progrès technique - revenu garanti - Révolution industrielle - révolution numérique - progrès technique - rôle de l'État fédéral - social-démocratie
- cycle de mort et de vie
- D- Day
- D.H. Lawrence
- Dahl (Roald)
- Dari Bundren
- David Gascoyne
- Deep South
- Democracy
- Democratic Party
- Depository and Monetary Control Act
- Derrida
- Descartes
- Desclés
- Dick
- Dictature
- Dirty Harry
- Discontinuity
- Disraeli
- Dodd-Frank Act
- Dominant vs. Recessive Pole
- Dominant vs. Secondary Groups
- Dorothy Allison
- Doyle
- Duchess of Malfi
- Duel
- Dylan Thomas
- Démocratie
- daily press
- dance
- dealers
- decentering
- democracy
- democratic ideals
- demon
- demythification
- deregulation
- desire
- detective film
- deviance
- devoir
- dialects
- diaspora
- digital cinema
- digression
- discipline
- discontinuities
- discours
- discrimination
- disembodiment
- dislocation
- dissolution
- dissolve
- divertir/instruire
- division
- dix-neuvième siècle
- do
- documentation
- double
- double entendre
- double scène
- doubles
- doxa
- dramatic verse
- drame
- drogue
- droits des femmes
- drug war
- dualité
- duplicité
- dystopie
- débarquement
- définition de la science-fiction
- démocratie
- dérivation formelle
- dérives
- désenchantement
- désir
- désobéissance civile
- dévolution
- Economy and literature
- Ecosse
- Edith Wharton
- Edward Heath
- Eglise
- Egyptian cinema
- Empire
- England
- Etat
- Etats-Unis
- Etats-unis
- Ettore Scola -Italian cinema -cinephilia -Italian comedy -reflexivity
- Euthanasie
- Evidence
- ecocentrism
- ecologism
- economic information
- economic legislation
- economy
- ecoterrorism
- editing
- effet de seuil
- ellipse
- ellipses
- ellipsis
- emotion
- empathy
- ending
- energy
- environmentalism
- envoy
- equal rights
- errance
- eschatologie
- ethnic stereotypes
- eugénisme
- euphuism
- euthanasie
- evil
- evil force
- exchange
- existentiel
- experience
- expressionism
- extraposition
- Faber (Michel)
- False Prophets
- Fantasy
- Faulkner William
- Federalist Papers
- Felix Culpa
- Feminism and literature
- Fertility / barrenness
- Festina lente
- Film
- Film-lover's representation
- Finnegans Wake
- First Amendment
- Foucault
- Frankin Delano Roossevelt
- Frederick Law Olmsted
- French cinema
- From Hell
- Frontier
- fable des abeilles
- face
- fact and fiction
- fading
- fait divers
- faith
- family
- fantasized paradise
- fantastique
- fate
- femme
- femme criminelle
- femme fatale
- femme meurtrière
- femmes
- fetishization of authors and stars
- fictif
- fiction autobiographique
- filiation
- film
- film adaptation
- film critic
- film de guerre
- film noir
- film noir et crise
- film noir et guerre
- film reception
- filmic genre
- filth
- financial regulation
- foi
- folie post-natale
- football
- forestry programs
- forme progressive
- foundation
- fragrance
- framing
- freak
- freaks
- free trade
- frienship
- frontier
- fuite
- function of baddies
- futur
- future
- futuristic fiction
- futurology
- féminisme
- féminitude
- féminité
- Garden
- Gender
- Georges Méliès
- Giancarlo Esposito
- Glass-Steagall Act
- Godard Blues
- Graham Greene
- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
- Grande-Bretagne
- Gray's Inn
- Great Britain
- Great Depression
- Greeneland
- Gus Fring
- Gus Van Sant
- Guy Larroux
- gangster
- gangster films
- gangster movie
- gap
- gaze gender
- gender
- gendered models
- genesis
- geocriticism
- geometry
- geophilosophy
- golfe
- good and evil
- goose
- gothique
- gradient
- grotesque
- grotesque and arabesque
- guerre
- guerre de Corée et ségrégation
- guerre des sexes
- guerre du Golfe
- guerre du Golfe et intégration
- guerre du Pacifique
- guerre du Vietnam
- guerre mondiale II
- guilt
- généricité
- Habermas
- Hamlet
- Haraucourt
- Hard vs. Soft/Alternative models
- Hell in the Pacific
- Henry James - The Wings of the Dove - consumption - illness - economy - sex
- Herbert George Wells
- History
- Hollywood
- Hollywood classic film
- Homeland
- Homi Bhabha
- Hugo Cabret
- Hugo Weaving
- Hétérotopie
- hagiographie
- health-care reform
- heredity
- hermeneutics
- hermeticism
- hero
- histoire
- histoire civilisationnelle et culturelle
- histoire des sciences
- histoire politique
- historical narrative
- historiography
- history
- history of French shows on cinema
- history of the cinema
- history of the future
- hiérarchie
- homme
- homosexualité
- hood films
- hunting - predation - anxiety - animality - traces - clues - origins - history/story - tale
- hybridation
- hybridité
- hypallage
- hypnagogy
- hypotextes
- hysteria
- hégémonie
- héritage
- héroïsme
- Imitation
- Indian Reorganization Act
- Indians
- Inns of Court
- Intertextuality
- Intertextuality.
- Intervention
- Iwo Jima
- icon
- iconoclaste
- idealization
- identification
- identification qualitative
- identifier
- identity
- identité
- identité (nationale)
- identité numérique
- identité qualitative
- identité quantitative
- ideologies
- ideology
- idéologie
- illegal immigration
- illegitimacy
- illusion
- illégitimité
- image
- images stellaires et terrestres
- imaginaire
- imaginary
- imitation
- immanence
- immersion
- immigration
- immortalité
- impressionnisme
- impur
- in
- incarnation
- incise
- inclusion
- indiens au cinéma
- indirectio
- individual rights
- infant mortality
- infanticide
- inflection
- influences
- ink
- inner truth
- instabilité
- insurance clubs
- integration
- interculturalité
- interemioticity
- interregional redistribution
- intersubjectivity
- intertextuality
- intertextualité
- intertextualité biblique
- intimacy
- intolérable
- introspection
- intrusion
- invisibility
- inégalités sociales
- irony
- irresolution
- irréligion
- Jacobites
- James
- James Dean
- Jane the 'eyer'
- Janiformity
- Jazz
- Jean-André Fieschi
- Jewel Bundren
- Jocelyne Saab
- Joe Rosenthal
- John Cassavetes
- John Collier
- John Waters
- Joshua Reynolds
- Joyce
- Jr. James Magner
- Judicial Activism
- Judicial Restraint
- Judicial Supremacy
- Jump and Other Staries
- jouissance
- justice
- Kaleidoscope
- Karenine
- Karomah
- Keir Starmer
- King Lear
- Kirk Douglas
- Korean War
- Korean War Poetry
- Kushner
- Kydd (Samuel)
- LGBT history
- Labor laws and legislation
- Labor movement
- Labor unions
- Landscape architect
- Langue
- Last Stand
- Lebanese cinema
- Lee Marvin
- Letters
- Liberté
- Liminality vs. Marginality
- Literature and sociology
- Little Big Horn
- Logics of networks
- Love's Labour's Lost
- Love's labour's Lost
- labor
- langage
- language
- law
- learned cinephilia
- lectrice
- lecture
- lenticular logics
- lesbian
- lesbienne
- letter
- liberal
- liberalism
- liberty
- libre-échange
- life vs. existence
- linearity
- linguistics
- linguistique cognitive
- listening
- literary genres
- littérature
- littérature caribéenne
- littérature catholique
- littérature d’anticipation
- littérature française de science-fiction
- littérature turque
- lobbies
- localisation
- location
- look
- loquacitas
- loss and profit
- love - fall - fairy-tale - Hollywood - loss - power - rewriting - romance
- love letter
- ltalian art films
- lying
- lynching
- légende
- M.E. Braddon
- MPs
- Mamet (David)
- Man and Wife
- Man with No Name
- Mankiewicz
- March On Washington Movement
- Margaret Thatcher
- Martin Scorsese
- Mary Warnock
- Masks
- Masquerade
- Matrix trilogy
- Matteo Garrone
- May
- Mayoux
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Melville
- Memory
- Men / women
- Meriam Report
- Mexico
- Michal Kosakowski
- Michel Boujut
- Mind
- Minsky
- Mrs Lloyd
- Musique populaire
- Muslim community
- madness
- mainstream
- majors hollywoodiennes
- malapropism
- manga
- manière
- mannerism
- manuscrit
- marginalisation
- margins
- mariage
- marriage equality
- mask
- masque
- material culture
- maternité
- matérialisme
- measure
- medical profession
- melancholia
- melodrama
- memory
- mergings
- merican political system
- metadiscursive and dialectic analysis
- metafilmic
- metamorphosis
- metaphor
- meter
- meurtre
- migration
- mining
- miroir
- mise en abyme
- mise en intrigue
- modals
- modemism
- modernisme
- modernity
- modernité
- monstre
- morality
- mort
- mortalité infantile
- moth
- mother
- motherhood
- multiculturalism
- museums
- music
- musical rhythm myth rewriting tragedy
- mutisme
- myth
- mythe
- mythe de la Création
- mythes fondateurs
- mythical persistance
- mythification
- mythography
- mythology
- mère de substitution
- médecins
- métalittérature
- métamorphose
- métaphore
- métaphysique
- métarécits
- Nadine Gordimer
- Nadine Gordimer -Jump -short stories - communication -South Africa -apartheid
- Nadine Gordimer -Jump and Other Stories -home - dwelling -apartheid -horizontal uncanny -Heidegger -Adorno -Levinas.
- Nadine Gordimer-Jump- clothes - social institutions - social mobility - short story -journey
- Nanni Moretti
- New Deal
- New Labour
- New Verse
- New York
- Newman
- North East
- Nouvelle Vague
- Néolibéralisme
- narcisse
- narcissisme
- narration
- narrative
- narrative point of view
- narrative structure
- nation-state
- national belonging
- national identity
- nationalism
- nationalisme (civique / ethnique)
- natural elements
- naturalistic
- naturalization
- neo-liberal culture
- neo-slave narratives
- neoliberalism
- neopetrarchanism
- neoplatonism
- never
- nomads
- nonequilibrium of deterritorialization
- nouvelle
- novel
- number
- néo-victorien
- Oastler (Richard)
- Olmsted’s social philosophy
- Otium
- objects
- obscène
- occidentalisation
- old age
- omission
- omniplastie
- omniplasty
- on
- onomastics
- opération
- orality of the written text
- oralité
- ordre symbolique
- orientation
- origine de l’Homme
- ornament
- oubli
- Paradoxes
- Parti conservateur
- Paul Ricoeur
- Pays de Galles
- Pearl Harbor
- Pedro Almodovar - cinephilia - film studies intertextuality - mise en abyme
- Performance
- Perseus
- Philippe Auguste
- Physicality
- Phèdre
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Pink Flamingos
- Pléiade
- Poetics
- Point Blank
- Politique
- Profit
- Propagande
- Prospect Park
- Protection and Affordable Care Act
- Pygmalion
- page and stage
- pamphlets
- panthéisme
- parabole
- paradigme maternel
- paradoxe
- paranoia
- paratexte
- parody
- parole
- parti conservateur
- partiality
- passion
- pastoral
- paternalism
- paternité
- patient progressivism
- patriarchy
- pays de Galles
- penance
- personnages secondaires
- personnalité
- petrarchism
- philanthrope
- philanthropist
- philanthropy
- philosophie religieuse
- photographie victorienne
- physique et spirituel
- pioneer
- poetic prose
- poetry
- poignard
- point of view
- poison
- polarization
- police
- political class
- political parties
- politics
- politique indienne
- politique sociale
- polysemy
- poor whites
- populaire
- popular cinephilia
- popular culture
- post-classical cinema
- post-racial
- postcataclysme
- postcolonial
- postmemory
- postmodernism
- pouvoir
- power
- powers
- poète-traducteur
- poésie
- poétique de l’énergie
- poétique du temps
- pragmatism
- precariousness
- press
- presse
- privatization
- progress
- projection
- proliferation
- prophecy
- prophétie
- props
- prose comedie
- prostitute
- prostituée
- protectionism
- protectionnisme
- préposition to
- psychoanalysis
- public land management
- public opinion
- public parks
- public space
- public spaces
- public sphere
- pulsion de mort
- punishment
- pur
- péché originel
- Raymond Bellour
- Reality TV
- Refus
- Reg Saner
- Religion
- Renard
- Republican Party
- Return Journey
- Reumaux
- Robert Capa
- Rohmer
- Role-Playing
- Romeo and Juliet
- Ronald Reagan
- Roosevelt
- Rosny Aîne
- Roumanie
- Royaume-Uni
- Rules of Engagement
- Rurality
- Rush Limbaugh
- Rédemption
- race
- racial history
- racism
- radical
- rage
- rains
- raison
- rap
- readjustment
- real
- realism
- recalcitrant queer
- reckoning
- reconstruction
- recyclage
- redemption
- reevaluation
- reflexivity
- reform
- refus
- region
- relation lâche/serrée
- relatives complexes
- religion
- renaissance
- repetition
- representation
- representations
- repérage
- requalification
- responsabilité
- restraint
- revisionist Western.
- rhetoric
- rhizomatic narratives -rhizomorphous gaze
- rhizomes
- rhyme
- risk
- robot
- roman
- roman policier
- roman victorien
- roman à sensation
- romance
- ruin
- rupture
- réalisme
- réalisme magique
- réalisme sérieux
- réception
- récit enchâssé
- récit spéculaire
- récurrence
- récurrences
- réel
- réfléxivité
- réplication
- républicanisme
- république démocratique
- résilience
- rétrospection
- réécrire l’Histoire
- rêve
- rêve d’action
- Sands of Iwo Jima
- School Prayer
- Schopenhauer
- Scorsese
- Scotland
- Screwball comedy
- Scribblies
- Se7en
- Seasons
- Self
- Shakespeare
- Shakespeare William 1564-1616 -- Peines d'amour perdues
- Slippage
- Social Democratic Britain
- Sonata à Kreutzer
- South Africa
- South Wales Eevening Post
- Spectatorship.
- Spike Jonze
- Spike Lee
- Stanislaw Lem
- State
- Suied
- Supreme Court
- sainteté
- sainthood
- sanctions
- scepticism
- science
- science-fiction
- sciences naturelles
- scopophilie
- segregation
- semantics
- sensation
- sense of wonder
- sentimental
- serial killer
- sexual violence
- sexuality
- sexualité
- shame
- shifts of perspectives
- ship
- shipyards
- sida
- siege
- sign
- silence
- simulation
- skies
- slave
- slavery
- small clause
- so
- soccer
- social facts and poetry
- social representation
- socio-economic advancement
- socioeconomic integration
- société
- société coloniale
- société futuriste
- solidarity
- sonnets
- sorcellerie
- sounding(s)
- soundtrack
- sousveillance
- southern littérature
- spatial and social mediation
- spatialité
- spectatorship
- speculation
- spiritualité
- spéculation
- stabilisation référentielle
- staging
- star system
- state
- steampunk
- stereotypes
- structural discrimination
- structural symmetry
- structure symphonique
- stéréotypes de sexe
- subject
- subjective camera
- subjective time
- subjectivité
- subversion
- suicide
- suicide assisté
- sujet et objet propositionnels
- super-héros
- surréalisme anglais
- surveillance
- suspension
- syllepse
- symboles/emblêmes
- symbolism.
- symbolisme
- symétrie
- systemic risk.
- système judiciaire
- système patriarcal
- TV series
- TV-phobia
- Tableaux
- Temporality
- Terence Davies
- Thatcher
- Thatchérisme
- The Awkward Age
- The Big Red One
- The Blue Dahlia
- The Grotesque
- The H. G. Wells
- The House of Mirth
- The International Theme
- The Longest Day
- The Odyssey
- The Pledge
- The Quiet American
- The Times
- The Wings of the Dove
- The Zodiac
- Thoreau
- Three Kings
- Tigerland
- Time Machine
- Titus Andronicus
- Tolkien
- Tony Nicklinson
- Toulouse
- Tribal self-determination
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Barbara Cassin - policy of speech - policy of remembrance - policy of justice - traumatic memory - narrative memory - transitional narrative - postapartheid imaginary - performativity of language
- Twelfth Night
- Tyneside
- tabloid press
- tandems féminins
- technique
- technology
- television
- temporality.
- temporalité
- temps
- temps messianique
- temps profond
- tension
- terme
- terrorism
- texte-image
- the Bundrens as acrobats
- the Dirty Dozen
- the Fantastic
- the Great Depression
- the West
- the blaze
- the uncanny
- the way
- theatricality
- there
- thought
- thriller
- théorie
- théorie conceptuelle de la métaphore
- théorie de l’intégration conceptuelle
- théories transformistes
- théories évolutionnistes
- théâtre américain contemporain
- théâtre domestique
- time
- time travel
- tonalité
- topographie
- totalitarisme
- tough guy
- trade unions
- tradition
- traduction
- tragedy
- tragic
- tragédie domestique
- trajectories
- trans*Atlantic
- transcendance
- transgression
- transition
- transitivité
- transmission
- trauma
- trivial
- trust.
- tueuse
- télévision
- U.S. Marines
- United Kingdom
- United States
- United States Congress
- uchronie
- unbearable
- underground
- underlying
- unemployment
- unexpected
- universal meaning
- universal rights
- unpredictable
- unreliable narrative
- utopie
- V for Vendetta
- Verne
- Victor Charlie
- Viet-cong
- Vietnam
- Vietnam War Films
- Vision and Prayer
- Viêt-nam
- valeur modale
- verbes énonciatifs
- verse
- vertu
- victorien
- villain
- villains
- violence
- violence sexuelle
- visage
- visuel
- voix féminine
- vote des femmes
- voyeursime
- vulnerability
- Wales
- Warmley
- Watteau
- We Were Soldiers
- Welsh and Scottish nationalisms
- What Maisie Knew
- Wheeler-Howard Act of 1934
- When a Stranger Calls
- Wilde
- Wilkie Collins
- William (1564-1616). Love's labour's lost
- William Meredith
- Windtalkers
- Women’s Armed Service
- Woody Allen
- World War II
- wake
- war
- war movie
- water imagery
- welfare state
- western
- western.
- white trash
- white writing
- window affect motif
- window architecture
- window symbolism
- woman
- woman’s film
- women
- writing