Filming cinephilia in the sessions organized by the OROLEIS in Toulouse (1960-1990)
Alice Gallois , Pascal Laborderie
Titre alternatif :
Filmer la cinéphilie dans les stages organisés par l'OROLEIS de Toulouse (1960-1990)
Résumé :
Issu du colloque organisé par le laboratoire LIRCES et l'ESRA, Nice, octobre 2016
International audience
The ways cinephilia has been represented in feature films is linked to the conception of an elitist attitude to cinema that started out in the 50s in Paris, but also to the Hollywood paradigm involving the Star system and the logic of film fans. Simultaneously, other kind of cinematographic content -documents, movies created by amateurs through popular education workshops -may have been considered as the evidence of a counterculture movement that would systematically challenge those dominant models, thus making it understandable only as related to them. The aim of this paper, from a socio-historical perspective, will be to analyse a set of documents and unseen amateur films, made by participants of audiovisual and cinematographic workshops held by the OROLEIS in Toulouse in the 70s. From these, the writings dealing with films are obviously prone to metadiscursive and dialectic analysis; however, other kinds of material reveal the prominence of artistic intent. This artistic commitment cornes with a threefold purpose, as it seeks to make passion for film an original and persona! thing, to promote the sharing of that passion with others, and to fmd an appropriate art fonn for such an exchange.
Mots-clés :
cinematographic workshops, metadiscursive and dialectic analysis, OROLEIS, popular cinephilia, Toulouse, Cinéma − Etude et enseignement, Cinéma en éducation
Date de publication : 2018-01
Citer ce document
Alice Gallois, Pascal Laborderie, « Filming cinephilia in the sessions organized by the OROLEIS in Toulouse (1960-1990) », Cycnos, 2018-01. URL :