Recherche (109 total)

  • Requête : review
Enhancing magnetic separation of nanoparticles - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Extreme and rare events in hydrodynamical and optical systems - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy
Consignes aux auteurs - Revue (In)Disciplines
(Re)territorialisation of marginality as a refusal of a mechanic center - Cycnos
Anglo-Scottish Culture Clash? Scottish Identities and Britishness, c.1520-1750 - Cycnos
Does the Whale’s Magnitude Diminish? - Cycnos
Guerre des sexes ou affaire d’État ? - Cycnos
Le fléau yankee. Les enjeux de la guerre de Sécession dans deux revues conservatrices britanniques : The Quarterly Review et Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine - Cycnos
“Had I Come Before Myself”: Illegitimate Judgments of Lolita and Despair - Cycnos
Framing Nabokov: Modernism, Multiculturalism, World Literature - Cycnos
Traité d’interdiction des armes nucléaires, US Nuclear Posture Review 2018…Observations sur les développements récents du dossier nucléaire - PSEI
France : Deux années de politique de défense (2019-2020) - PSEI
La Revue stratégique de défense et de sécurité nationale 2017 et le projet de Loi de programmation militaire 2019-2025 - PSEI
La loi renforçant la sécurité intérieure et la lutte contre le terrorisme : le législateur et la peur - PSEI
L’État face aux situations exceptionnelles - PSEI
La Première Conférence d’examen de la Convention sur les armes à sous-munitions, Dubrovnik : 7 au 11 septembre 2015 - PSEI
La contribution internationale à la sauvegarde des ressources naturelles en Afrique Centrale - Perspectives internationales & européennes
"New Governance” approaches in the EU: The OMC and the mid – term review of the “Lisbon Strategy" - Perspectives internationales & européennes
Musicothérapie en milieu carcéral - Revue française de musicothérapie
Perturbations multimodales dans les polyrythmies interpersonnelles en musicotherapie : un rejeu perpetuel du traumatique ? - Revue française de musicothérapie
Où en est la théorisation en musicothérapie ? - Revue française de musicothérapie
Editorial policy - ERIEP
Éditorial - Revue française de musicothérapie
Éditorial - Revue française de musicothérapie
Éditorial - Revue française de musicothérapie
Éditorial - Revue française de musicothérapie
Éditorial - Revue française de musicothérapie
Too big, too quick? An institutional and systemic overview of the rise of Russian metallurgical transnationals - ERIEP
The impact of foreign R&D activities on the MNC’s performance at home: evidence from the case of Swiss manufacturing firms - ERIEP
Making European Cities more Affordable, Productive and Sustainable - ERIEP
Bain and the origins of industrial economics - ERIEP
Evolution of Industrial Policies and Economic Growth in Korea: Challenges, Crises and Responses - ERIEP
Territorial policies for industrial renaissance and innovation - ERIEP
Explaining the incomplete liberalization reform of the italian energy markets - ERIEP
14 years of AGCOM: what has changed in the Italian TLC since 1998 to now - ERIEP
Entry and Submarket Concentration: Empirical Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry - ERIEP
Piracy, indirect ‘sampling’ and sequential adoption of TV series with multiple episodes - ERIEP
A Tale of Two Bazaar Economies: An Input-Output Analysis for Germany and Italy - ERIEP
An overview on industry clusters and the impact of related variety on regional performance in turkey - ERIEP
Are Technoparks High Tech Fantasies? Lessons from the Tunisian Experience - ERIEP
Cluster Development Strategy in Serbia - ERIEP
New configuration of russian regional economics based on cluster development programs - ERIEP
Industrial clusters in China: Policy tools for further and more balanced development - ERIEP
Look before you LEP: English Cluster Policy from RDAs to LEPs - ERIEP
The new complexity of local production and the enlightened role of industrial policy: The Basque Country Case - ERIEP
System-based policies in Italy: From industrial districts to technological clusters - ERIEP
Cluster policy for innovation and competitiveness. Lessons from the French experience - ERIEP
Regional Cluster Policies in Germany - A Multi-Level Governance Perspective on Policy Learning - ERIEP
Introduction - ERIEP
Combining Universities’ third mission and place based industrial development - ERIEP
The chemical sector in Italy: Industrial structure and competitive advantage - ERIEP
Persistences and changes in italian industry in the years of “stagnation”: a regional analysis - ERIEP
FLOSS in an industrial economics perspective - ERIEP
The emergence of doubly green chemistry, a narrative approach - ERIEP
Managerial efficiency and size: an assessment of strategic potential of Italian manufacturing firms - ERIEP
Configuration of the North American and European auto industries – a comparison of trends - ERIEP
Environmental pressure in fragmented markets: the fall and rise of bus makers in Poland - ERIEP
From Joint Ventures to National Champions or Global Players? Alliances and Technological Catching-up in Chinese and Indian Automotive Industries - ERIEP
In the name of consumer: The social construction of innovation in the European automobile industry and its political consequences - ERIEP
Systemic innovation and organizational change in the car industry: electric vehicle innovation platforms - ERIEP
Shaping an emerging market for electric cars: How politics in France and Germany transform the European automotive industry - ERIEP
The start of a Second Automobile Revolution Corporate strategies and public policies - ERIEP
The three major uncertainties facing the European automotive industry - ERIEP
Towards a new carmaker: Fiat-Chrysler - ERIEP
Increasing complexity in electricity regulation: to whose benefit? - ERIEP
New Forms of Government Intervention in the Era of Global Imbalances - ERIEP
The evaluation of public incentive programmes for outward internationalisation - ERIEP
Competition, efficiency and market structure in online digital markets. An overview and policy implications - ERIEP
An empirical analysis of Internet providers’ interconnection strategies - ERIEP
Regional policies in times of austerity - ERIEP
Firm Entry and Survival in the Spanish Manufacturing and Service Industries - ERIEP
Technological transfer: the RIDITT Programme - ERIEP
Public and Private Investment in R&D: Complementary Effects and Interaction with Productivity Growth - ERIEP
Technological platforms in the life sciences - ERIEP
International delocalisation in the Italian fashion industry - ERIEP
Quantification and strategic analysis of foreign relocations - ERIEP
The evolution of the district model: ‘reverse relocation’ and the case of the leather-tanning district of Arzignano - ERIEP
For a new industrial policy - ERIEP
Désarmement 2021 - PSEI
La contribution internationale à la sauvegarde des ressources naturelles en Afrique Centrale - Perspectives internationales & européennes
Innovation-driven cluster development strategies in Korea - ERIEP
Globalisation and International Business Localisation - ERIEP
Adolescence and the position of women: between psychoanalysis and female imagery - Oxymoron
Reporting Gesture and Voice in Reporting Speech: Co-verbal Language in Literature - Cit-Dit
Citer, acte au cœur du dispositif romanesque mauriacien - Cit-Dit
Impossible d’exercer la musicothérapie sans modèle(s) théorique(s) - Revue française de musicothérapie
Stock des principaux conflits intéressant la sécurité internationale. État à la fin 2021 - PSEI
Désarmement 2022 - PSEI
La défense de la France en 2022 - PSEI
La Xe Conférence des États parties au TNP de 2022. Un autre rendez-vous manqué pour le régime de non-prolifération - PSEI
L’évolution des cabanes de pêcheursde l'île Sainte-Marguerite (Cannes) - Habiter
Conflits et sécurité internationale 2023 1 - PSEI
Scientific Report: benefits of music therapy for people with autism spectrum disorders - Revue française de musicothérapie
Dans la toile d’Arachné. Contes d’amour, de folie et de mort - [Untitled]