“Hijacking Culture”: Tony Harrison and the Greeks - Cycnos
Seamus Heaney’s Poetry of Departures - Cycnos
James Magner Jr., William Meredith & Reg Saner: Reluctant Poets of the Korean War - Cycnos
Dylan Thomas’s In the Direction of the Beginning: Towards or beyond meaning? - Cycnos
What the 'Decadents' see in the Mirror: the Catoptric System in British fin-de-siècle Poetry - Cycnos
La guerre des sexes dans Love's Labour's Lost - Cycnos
"I shall turn sonnet" : la poésie dans Love's Labour's Lost - Cycnos
Poétique de la séduction - Cycnos
‘I am sure I shall turn sonnet': Writing or Being Written in 'Love’s Labour’s Lost' - Cycnos
Note sur Dylan Thomas et le surréalisme en Angleterre : Brefs compagnons de route ? - Cycnos
Social Facts in As I Lay Dying: A Novel of Violence - Cycnos
Contextualisation et configuration discursive. L’image de guerre : « Les obus miaulent » - Figures du discours et contextualisation
La pertinence argumentative des palinods dans les chants royaux dialogués - Cit-Dit
Narrative Networks: Reading, Translating, and Teaching Audre Lorde’s Poems in Italy - Audre Lorde