Alfred Hitchcock, l’obsession du double - Cycnos
The « Evil Turn » of « The Purloined Letter »: The Story of a Story in Its French and American Twentieth Century Readings - Loxias
D’Arthur Gordon Pym à Edgar Allan Poe : à propos du récit d’Arthur Gordon Pym - Loxias
POEtics by Baudelaire, Mallarmé and Verlaine: Edgar Poe in literary criticism of the French poets - Loxias
Edgar Poe on the French stage between 1900 and 1910 - Loxias
POEtiques or the virtues of a word game - Loxias
Lost in Translation: Poe, Baudelaire and “The Purloined Letter” - Loxias
Tracing the origin of hybrid text across cultures: The influence of Edgar Allan Poe’s genre experimentation on Baudelaire’s invention of the prose poem - Loxias
Les traducteurs des histoires d’Edgar Allan Poe - Loxias
Poe/Baudelaire : de la traduction au portrait littéraire ? - Loxias
Pessoa traducteur: entre Éros et Antéros - Loxias